Science Fiction Definition

“I define science fiction as fiction in which things happen that are not possible today — that depend, for instance, on advanced space travel, time travel, the discovery of green monsters on other planets or galaxies, or that contain various technologies we have not yet developed.” — Margaret Atwood, Writing With Intent: Essays, Reviews, Personal Prose: 1983-2005.

why? examples/evidence

I have the book ender’s game and so when I think of this quote, I think of us as a species trying to fight for survival and defend off against “buggers” and so aliens might attack us one day, and so what isn’t possible is that ender’s game, according to Wikipedia, “Ender’s Game is a 1985 military science fiction novel by American author Orson Scott Card. Set in Earth’s future, the novel presents an imperiled mankind after two conflicts with the “buggers”, an insectoid alien species.” And so, that is possible, or isn’t it? I picked this definition because it basically descrbes my book, that it isn’t possible today being attacked by aliens, but then again, what is possible? and, this definition hits the nail on the head with me book. this book is set in the future, and so this could explain the advanced space travel, or time travel if it was thought of as a fast forward of time and space. and so the discovery of grren mosters, or aliens, as we know them that is what they are called. and, the book does mention variuous technologies that he have yet to discover, or might be too advqnaced for our time. also, I think someone who writes a book about writing about intent of writing is noteworthy, especially for essays. I cant think of anything I cant think of anything. I wonder if margarte artwood dies because it mentions date as if she has passed away. aoslo, the book has been made into a movie but I heard it isn’t very good. I still have yet to see it because I always like to compare the book to the movie when people make the movie out of the book, or atleast they try to. I like how this quote describes the little green men as aliens, but in the book, the buggers are evil groos looking cretures. I cant think of anything I cant think of anything. I also wonder what bugger woudld look like in ral life and what would we do as a human species if we really did have to defend ourselves from evil aliens.

Ex Machina Scene Analysis



symbols or colors


power, entrapment



I think the director stages the scene as like we are following him and that his enemies, the 2 female robots, are on the other side as to say that they are plotting revenge against him and to even kill him. Also, I think the director but the 2 female robots out of focus so that could mean that what Ethan is thinking is blurred, unclear. The use of color is simplicity, white and black and browns. I think it shows innocence or purity in using the color white, or maybe the color white could mean clean because Ethan does have on a white shirt. the carpet is red and so that might foreshadow that blood is about to be spilled, or that the color red can show anger or loss. Also, the lighting is bright and dim at the same time, it’s not too bright like the sun in your eyes, but its also not too dim like having a candle as a light. I think this scene is supposed to be staged like a compound, its too boring or simple looking for a house. maybe the mixing of black and white is grey and so grey might mean the mixing of evil and light. so now I think they are plotting revenge against Ethan. I think the director picked the actress who cannot show a lot of facial expressions, just to show that her eyes are focused on Ethan. she cannot show emotion to say that she is angry or scared. she doubts that she will be let out again and the director wanted to use that type of sound to voice a mysterious or anger tone or to ask the question will Ethan lie to Ava. I think he is breathing kinda heavy because he might be scared. and to be dramatic. and to hesitate that she’s lying. I hear the mechanics of her body moving to say that she is an android. its also weird to see that one side of the walls are white and the other is grey.

Blade Runner Scene Analysis

I get the Star Wars vibe in the beginning and Stephen King’s “It” by the music. Also, I wonder why the top of the buildings are catching/exploding on fire, like bombs are going off, kinda giving me war vibes. Also, I think an eye is seen to foreshadow events and of course what that point of view is being seen or what that person sees while flying a flying car. Also, I think it’s funny how the 80s guessed what 2019 would be like with flying cars and robots. it looks like there’s a lot of pollution with all the darkness and night time sky. that’s cool that there’s flying cars though. I think the camera shows a certain room in the building to show what room is being sown. Also, the room is boring and plain. It’s very greys, tans, and browns. and why is there sunlight? It’s the building lights. it gives me 80s and before vibes because of the typewriter. the building looks like the death star from star wars and I can smell the looks of pollution. there’s so many cubicles of individual rooms of light that it looks like cities of light on a huge building.

Girls by Mary Ellen Mark

I first notice a little girl in a pool in a bathing suit smoking a cigarette with another little girl in the pool but this little girl is chubby, unlike the other little girl who is skinny and smoking. I think this picture definitely reminds me of childhood because I can already hear people making fun of the little chubby girl. I think smoking is a horrible habit and that the little skinny girl that’s smoking is going to grow up with horrible health issues and look no as pretty like she is. this is probably an advertisement about smoking and that if you think you’re cool, you’re wrong. I have to admit that I do like this picture though because it reminds me of me childhood and how fun it was to go swimming and have a good time with friends, but not with a little skinny preppy girl. the little chubby girl just reminds me of me when I was like age because I had long hair and have a lot of baby fat. I feel like the the little chubby girl is depicted as not cool enough and so that’s why she’s sitting down and not smoking with the other girl who is too young to be smoking and honestly thinks she hot stuff. it has to be summertime because of the pool and the swimsuits and summer is the perfect time to go swimming. I do wonder why the little chubby girl isn’t smoking with the little skinny girl because it would be a pressure thing to smoke and I wonder if she doesn’t want to or doesn’t think she’s cool enough to.

Indian Woman by Arko Datta

I see a woman who looks sad and is crying and looks like she’s screaming in agony. I first notice a woman on the ground on a beach because of the sand on the ground crying and she looks indian because of the wrap around her waist and shoulder. I also notice a string of rope that looks like a cat of ninetails. I also see a persons arm that looks like the person is dead and so the woman is crying for the person who died and the person’s arm looks like it has scratches on it and so maybe they put up a fight and looks like there’s writing on the arm and looks like the person has a glove on their hand like freddy kruger without the razor fingers. now that I look at the picture closer, I notice that they don’t have to be on a beach because of the porch like steps. there must have been a tragic disaster because there’s a random flip flop that’s on the ground by the woman.

Sudanese Girl by Kevin Carter

my eyes are drawn to the little child in the piece in an empty field next to the kid that looks half dead and starving to death and I think the photographer emphasizes the little kid as half dead so that the vulture bird can eat it since the child looks already dead cant think of anything cant think of anything also I think the photographer I think my eyes are drawn to the bird second because I wonder if the child will move at all or find help and not be eaten and starve to death or be eaten alive by the sun because of the lighting cant think of anything cant think of anything also the child looks bloated as in starving and the background is out of focus so the focus must be on the child and then the bird and so the composition of the child is at an angle from the bird also the colors are mostly browns and greens so